Construction Liability Resources


NAHB’s legal team works with NAHB’s Construction Liability, Risk Management and Building Materials Committee 尽量减少施工和改造过程中可能出现的施工缺陷和施工人员责任问题. NAHB attorneys monitor building product defect problems, study and recommend methods of reducing builder liability, and work cooperatively with manufacturers, insurers, product trade groups and other interested parties on builder liability issues.

Trending Topics and Issues

Escalation Clause for Specified Building Materials. 本条款中提供的示例语言仅用于一般信息目的, and may not be appropriate for some agreements. Care should be taken in the drafting of any contractual clause, and it is recommended that an attorney be consulted concerning both applicable law, and the phrasing of particular contract provisions.

Member Mental Health and Wellbeing and Suicide Prevention. In 2020, NAHB launched a new effort 关注建筑行业的心理健康,重点是帮助协会成员支持健康的工作环境,并更积极地关注自己的健康和健康. NAHB还加入了建筑自杀预防联盟,努力提高人们对建筑行业自杀率的认识. Use the Needs Analysis & Integration Checklist 评估贵公司在处理工作场所的心理健康和自杀问题方面的准备情况, and be sure to review the 10 questions and 10 action steps companies can use to save lives.

Opioid Misuse in Construction. NAHB和伙伴组织采取了一种创新方法来解决建筑业中阿片类药物的使用和滥用问题, viewing the problem holistically and creating solutions and educational resources that address intervention points across the spectrum of prevention, treatment, recovery and return-to-work.

Marijuana in the Home Building Industry. Watch an NAHB on-demand webinar 这篇文章讨论了州和联邦法律之间的差异,并探讨了医用和娱乐用大麻合法化对住宅建筑行业的影响. Also, read Marijuana in the Workplace, a guide that examines pertinent issues related to the legalization of marijuana, and includes an updated (as of Sept. 2023) compilation of state laws, tips for creating a workplace policy and answers to frequently asked questions.

Drones in Construction. During the 2018 International Builders’ Show (IBS) in Orlando, the Construction Liability, 风险管理和建筑材料委员会收到了教育会议“无人机101:用途”发言人的预览 & Legal Implications in Residential Construction.“这次会议帮助与会者更多地了解了使用无人机时的法律要求, ways to use drones as part of a residential construction business, and insurance coverage for drones. If you attended IBS, you can visit the IBS website to hear the audio recording of the session, or you can view the presentation below.



Smart-Home Technology. A look at emerging trends in connected-home technology, 潜在的责任问题和确保你正确地向客户传达与这个新的和不断扩大的市场相关的任何风险的方法.

Evaluating New Building Materials. Builders face many choices in selecting building products, 材料和设备,并从制造商和经销商那里获得有关新产品或不熟悉产品的信息. 提前审查建筑材料的选择可能有助于消除不合格的建筑材料, building material returns, and possibly, disputes. For builders that may not have their own review process, NAHB has developed a guide to assist them in gathering information from manufacturers and distributors.

2018 IBS Presentation: Misconceptions about the Common Crack. Risk Manager Walt Keaveny, MS, PE, PG, discusses how to determine the seriousness of cracks, 其中大多数是由于建筑材料由于含水率和温度的变化而产生的膨胀和收缩. (A PDF summary is also available.)

Builder Resources - Products and Construction Techniques

3D Printing Best Practices Guidance 为建筑商提供了在项目上使用3D打印之前的挑战和基本考虑因素的概述, 以及一系列清单,以管理使用3D打印产生的潜在风险.

Spray Foam, Insulation and Termites addresses questions pertaining to inspection for, and treatment of, potential termite infestations in buildings using spray foam insulation (SPF). It provides basic information about termite identification, 并讨论了使用SPF时关键区域空气密封和绝缘的重要性. It also presents code-compliant solutions to address these concerns.

Wood Flooring Installation Guidelines. 国家木地板协会(NWFA)出版全面的指导方针,正确安装木地板. Thanks to a collaboration between the NWFA and NAHB staff, the guidelines are available to NAHB members at no cost.

Gypsum Presentation. 作为其持续承诺的一部分,为成员提供他们可以在该领域使用的宝贵信息和资源, NAHB’s Construction Liability, 风险管理和建筑材料委员会邀请美国地质协会的Paul Shipp参加2016年国际建筑商展会议,讨论损坏的石膏板修复和完成问题. Shipp, principal research associate at USG, is the committee liaison to the 2016 Leading Suppliers Council. 了解更多关于石膏墙板以及如何为您的项目获得最佳成品表面, download the Sheetrock Brand Installation and Finishing Guide.

Mid-Atlantic Fastener Issue: Screw Buttons

BIM Legal Risks: An Overview. Building Information Modeling (BIM) use is both evolving and on the rise, with more and more contractors using BIM in a dynamic, collaborative way to benefit a wide array of construction projects. BIM use calls for assessment and management of the risks involved.

Effects of Reflected Sunlight from Low-E and Other Double-Paned Window Glass. 由于玻璃内部和外部空气之间的气压差异,双窗格窗户中的玻璃可能会轻微翘曲或偏转. This can create a concavity in the glass, causing an effect similar to light passing through a magnifying glass. The heat generated by the focused reflected sunlight can damage nearby vinyl siding.

Green Building. Learn more about the legal aspects of green building.

Builder Resources: Water and Moisture Intrusion. Builders work to avoid water intrusion and insufficient drainage, which both pose a threat to the durability of their homes. 下面是一种施工方法,可以帮助保持外墙的湿度水平不超过可接受的最大水平, including a building enclosure with a “rain screen.”

White Papers and Articles

Let’s Talk Dirt 房屋地基下使用的填充物是新房屋结构问题的主要原因. 了解如何正确使用填充物,以避免昂贵的维修和结构故障.

Ultimate Guide to STOP Basement Water Leaks. 听听专业的地球科学家和工程师关于减少地下室渗水的最佳措施, a tragically common issue in homes.

Misclassification of Independent Contractors: Builders’ Guide to State Laws. The law permits the use of independent contractors, provided such workers are not “employees” under existing tax, employee benefit, and labor and employment laws. However, 为了省钱,许多雇主将一些员工归类为独立合同工. 这导致联邦和州两级越来越关注工人是否被适当地指定为“独立承包商”,或者他们是否应该被视为公司雇员. Additional information about this subject is available on the blog, Who Is My Employee, maintained by attorney Todd Lebowitz of BakerHostetler.

Why Home Builders Should Be Concerned About E.D. E.D. in the new home warranty industry is an acronym for early development, 哪一个是指在10年质保期内结构性索赔发生的时间.

Arbitration Trumps Litigation: Home Builder Construction Disputes. It is often said that no one wins in litigation except the attorneys. Arbitration, when compared to litigation in the court system, is fast, cost-effective, more predictable, fair and private.

潜在缺陷索赔的保险范围:建筑商购买什么保护? Updated for 2015, 本白皮书讨论了潜在建筑缺陷索赔责任保险的种类.

Multifamily Owner’s and Manager’s Guide Regarding Bed Bug Issues

Risk Transfer for Trade Contractors. 承包商必须了解他们负责的建筑活动的风险,以及他们管理这些风险的可用方法.

You’re an “Additional Insured” — What Coverage Are You Getting? 了解承建商在其分包商的CGL政策上可能获得的“附加保险”的覆盖范围.


2019 ICC-NAHB Research Survey. NAHB和ICC对美国各地的规范官员进行了联合调查,作为他们不断努力提高住宅和商业建筑质量的一部分. 调查的目的是突出在施工期间最有可能被标记的项目.

Construction Liability, Risk Management and Building Materials Committee