
联系人: 院长Schwanke
(202) 266-8392


的 Affordable Housing Group (AHG) comprises NAHB housing professionals engaged in the development of affordable 和 workforce housing using tax credits, 经济适用房项目, 以及其他联邦政府, 状态, 当地的, 机构和私人融资来源. 成员包括开发人员, 主人, 投资者, 连锁出版商, 银行, service providers 和 public officials involved in affordable 和 workforce housing.



AHG成员会自动收到 NAHB多家庭委员会成员,向所有人开放 多户议会福利.


AHG成员 免费访问 to quarterly 低-income housing tax credit (LIHTC)-focused 在线研讨会 as well as regular 多户家庭的 Council 在线研讨会. AHG members also receive discounted registration to other NAHB-sponsored educational content.


AHG成员 a monthly affordable housing newsletter that keeps members informed about the latest legislative, 影响经济适用房行业的规管及市场发展.


LIHTC映射工具, 专为AHG准成员和指导委员会成员提供, provides users with the opportunity to better underst和 the distribution of LIHTC housing in select Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) 和 al低s users to easily identify census tracts that are underserved 和 offer affordable housing development opportunities.


房屋信贷认证专业人员(HCCP) 是针对开发人员的专门称谓吗, 物业经理, asset managers 和 others working in the affordable housing industry through the LIHTC程序. NAHB会员可以享受HCCP指定和续订费用的折扣.



NAHB是华盛顿经济适用房开发商的主要代言人, especially as it relates to LIHTC 和 the Department of Housing 和 Urban Development (HUD) 经济适用房项目. NAHB的政府事务游说者和NAHB的经济学家都深谙 LIHTC程序 和税法,并在国会山为参与LIHTC的成员发声.

NAHB finance 和 regulatory staff are constantly monitoring 和 reviewing new 和 existing HUD programs 和 regulations to ensure that proposed changes are efficient 和 effective 和 serve to bolster a productive 和 healthy affordable housing market. AHG members are involved in setting the agenda 和 direction for NAHB’s legislative 和 regulatory action related to both LIHTC 和 HUD.

NAHB also engages on a variety of other advocacy issues that relate to affordable housing, such as 住房金融改革, 机会区土地使用/分区问题.

NAHB的经济学家研究并提供数据 to back up the needs of our members 和 use their expertise to support policy positions to help our multifamily 和 affordable housing members.


NAHB offers numerous events for affordable housing members to meet throughout the year, 包括年度国际建筑商展和NAHB领导会议.

Affordable Housing 会议及活动 at the 国际建筑商展 (IBS)
的 多户家庭的 Council 和 Affordable Housing Group holds a half day member meeting during the IBS event 和 also hosts a three-day comprehensive education program that focuses on all aspects of multifamily 和 affordable housing 和 offers multiple networking 和 education opportunities within the 多户家庭的中心.

的 多户家庭的 Council 和 Affordable Housing Group also hold two other half-day meetings during the year as a part of the NAHB春季和秋季领导会议; during these meetings members discuss current issues 和 strategies for addressing housing policies 和 industry problems. AHG members can also attend numerous other committee meetings, such as the Housing Finance Committee.



AHG members have access to information about award-winning developments 和 also receive discounted application fees for the 多家庭行业支柱奖. 支柱奖突出创意发展概念, 创新融资策略, 伟大的设计, 以及在公寓市场上的卓越管理和营销, 包括经济适用房和劳动力住房开发.


All current NAHB members are eligible to join the Affordable Housing Group (AHG). AHG的成员资格是基于个人的. AHG有三种不同的成员级别:

Builder成员 (295美元每年)
Joining the Affordable Housing Group as a Builder成员 entitles you to an invitation to join all events, 论坛及会议.

建设者会员享有免费订阅 经济适用房监测 along with complimentary at-large membership in NAHB’s 多户家庭的 Council (a $100 value).

作为建设者会员,您可以访问所有特别报告, 在线研讨会, primers 和 research results produced by NAHB 和 the Affordable Housing Group 和 access to the members-only section of the website.

准会员 (每年1250美元)
Joining the Affordable Housing Group as an 准会员 entitles you to all of the Builder成员 benefits 和 also al低s you to both author articles for publication on the website 和 in member periodicals 和 present 和 distribute information at the Affordable Housing Group meetings.

准会员也可以使用NAHB的LIHTC地图工具. This tool shows the concentration of LIHTC units by Census tract 和 breaks down each tract into various income levels: very 低, 低, 13个主要msa为中度或高度. 每年都有新的城市加入.

督导委员会成员 (每年2500美元)
Joining the Affordable Housing Group as a 督导委员会成员 provides you with all the benefits of Builder 和 准会员ship — 和 more.

督导委员会成员s help guide the Affordable Housing Group at the most senior level, 制定立法和监管行动的议程和方向. Quarterly calls with NAHB staff leaders 和 other 督导委员会成员s keep you abreast of any breaking news or legislation in the multifamily 和 affordable housing space.

督导委员会成员s may serve as speaker or advisor at steering committee events 和 other industry forums. 的y have opportunities to be featured in media events staged by NAHB 多户家庭的 as well as in industry publications. 另外, 督导委员会成员s can represent the Affordable Housing Group at congressional hearings or testify at other public forums on behalf of its members.